Getting Started The Janitor Technique

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of talking for two hours with Javier Megías  “artisan consultant in innovative strategies for companies and startups”, as defined in his personal blog . We decided to hire Javier as a consultant in order for him to provide a realistic, strategic vision supported by his experience to an idea that has been “maturing” for more than a year and for which the time seems to be coming . I’m sorry but I have to say: we got a lot more out of the meeting than we expected.

The need to test ourselves, without investing too much

Well, I’ll give you some clue. Our idea consists of creating a mobile and web application that would help solve a problem that more and more people category email list suffer in today’s society . We could leave it there. From there and from the many questions and reflections that we shared at the meeting. An issue arose that worries us a lot: How could we test if it really fulfills its function with a reduced set of “guinea pigs.  (Masticar!, I haven’t thought of another word other than coballa) . It is very likely that, from use, many questions will arise that we have not considered and. Even that the absolute truths from which we start will become partial truths. So, it would be ideal to be able to “test” with a small . Group of people if our solution is really viable and works as well as .Being able to mature it both in terms of business model and in terms of usability and functionality.

What is the janitor technique?

This technique involves creating an armor to test whether the robot would work or not. Don’t you need more. Explanations? Hehehehehe. Applied to our specific case, it consists of developing only the user interface, as close as possible to. What the real application would be like, but without developing the complicated algorithms that would make EW Leads it work autonomously . On the contrary, within that developed interface. One or more members of the company (or a specialized team) would be in charge of interpreting the.  Information and defining the behavior. That is, they would be the ones who would manually direct all the processes that the application is supposed to carry out. Isn’t it true that now you find more sense in the analogy of the robot and the armor.

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